Cemetery Records

Records kept by cemetery custodians or associations tend to be lists of the individuals buried within the cemetery and/or plot maps showing the location of gravesites and their occupants. It is only occasionally that cemetery records will provide birth and death information. They might, though, include the date of internment and the name of the purchaser of the plot (which might differ from the name of the occupant).
The main thing that cemetery records maintained by the cemetery custodians or associations provides for the genealogist is the confirmation that a family member is buried there.
Other forms of cemetery records are cemetery transcription lists or tombstone surveys compiled by historical societies or independent researchers. These lists tend to consist of the names of the occupants of the cemetery plots, arranged either in alphabetical order or in order of physical placement in the cemetery. Sometimes, if the cemetery has been divided into sections, the cemetery transcription list will likewise be divided into sections, with the names of the occupants of each sections then listed in either alphabetical order or in order of physical placement within the section. Cemetery transcription lists will usually include the death date, as found on the tombstone and the age of the person at the time of his or her death. If available on the tombstone, birth dates might also be included in the list. If the birth date is not given on the tombstone, it can be calculated by subtracting the age of the person from the year of death. To obtain additional information on how to calculate the birth date, see the section titled Tombstone Inscriptions within this chapter.
Depending on the publisher of the cemetery transcription list, additional information about the individuals interred there might be provided. Additional information may include the relationship to another individual buried in the same cemetery or an indication of the cause of death. Such additional information is usually found on the tombstone, although it may be obtained from genealogical information researched by the publisher of the list. An example of a cemetery transcription list that includes additional genealogical information is the book, Cemeteries Of Freedom Township, Volume I. In that book, the author provided extensive genealogical information on the individuals buried within each of the cemeteries of the township in order to provide relationship information showing that the cemeteries tend to function as "family" plots.
Many cemeteries are associated with a particular church and consist primarily of the members of its congregation. Cemetery records, such as transcription lists may be maintained by the church to which the cemetery is associated.
During the 1930s the WPA, or Works Project Administration, was instituted to provide employment to the many men who had lost their jobs as a result of the Great Depression. The WPA, a government funded project, gave the out-of-work men jobs such as transcribing cemetery lists. The result of such "busy work" created simply to get people employed was that cemetery records were created where they might not otherwise have been. The cemetery lists transcribed by Archie Claar, of Blair County, are an example of this. In some cases, the original tombstones have since been removed or disappeared due to natural causes. The WPA lists are all that is left as evidence that certain individuals are buried in some cemeteries. The WPA lists are generally maintained in local historical societies, but they might also be maintained by the cemetery custodians or associations.
In terms of the validity of cemetery records, the serious researcher should proceed with caution. As with any situation where one record (such as a tombstone inscription) is transcribed by someone, there is always the possibility that the transcriber might have made an error or two. It is possible that the transcriber might have looked at a tombstone inscription and thought the date looked like 1853 when it actually was 1858. There may also exist instances in which the transcriber / publisher of a cemetery transcription list takes it upon him or herself to provide incorrect information. An example may be found in the series of books, Cemeteries Of The Claysburg Area by Eugene Oberle. The genealogical information Mr. Oberle included on the family of John Boyer was incorrect. Mr. Oberle had included a notice in his book stating that he welcomed corrections for future editions of the book. The author of this volume, a direct line descendant of the individuals in question, contacted Mr. Oberle with the correct information. Despite being supported by references to the source of the correct information, Mr. Oberle replied that he had no intention of correcting the information in any future editions of his book. The reason he gave for his reluctance to correct the information was that he had got the information from his mother and father, and their knowledge was not to be doubted. Because of the very real possibility that a transcription might be in error, or as shown in the preceeding example, because the author might choose to include aribitrary information based on family tradition or hearsay, cemetery transcription lists should be used only as directional arrows pointing toward records that should be crossmatched with other records. They should not be accepted as ends, in and of themselves.

A Partial Listing Of Cemeteries In Harrison Twp.
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
A Recording Of Gravestones At St. Mark Lutheran Cemetery Friends Cove, Bedford County, Pennsylvania
by J. Allan & Ruth Beegle, (unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County), 1995
Bedford County Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 3
edited by James B. Whisker, 1986 (available from Closson Press)
Bedford County Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 4
edited by James B. Whisker, 1988 (available from Closson Press)
Bedford County Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 7
edited by James B. Whisker, 1994 (available from Closson Press)
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 1
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Union, lincoln, South Woodbury, Napier, St Clair, Mann, Londonderry and King Townships
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 2
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Bedford, Colerain, Juniata, Mann, Monroe, Southampton, and West Providence Townships; Adams, Blair, Fulton Counties
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 3
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Bloomfield, East Providence, Hopewell, Mann, Southampton and South Woodbury Townships
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 4
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Woodbury, Union, Southampton, Broad Top, Hopewell and Colerain Townships
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 5
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Cumberland Valley, East St Clair, King, Mann and West Providence Townships
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 6
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1975, Including cemeteries in Bedford Township
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 7
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1976, Including cemeteries in Juniata, Kimmel, Monroe, Napier, Snake Spring and West St Clair Townships
Bedford County Pennsylvania Cemeteries, Vol. 8
by Robetta E. & Thomas C. Imler, 1981, Including cemeteries in Bedford, East St Clair, Kimmel, Mann, Southampton, West St Clair, South Woodbury and Bedford Townships; Blair and Fulton Counties
Bethel Reformed / Frame Church, Clearville, Pa
by Dolores Carrigan & Shirley Elbin, (unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County) 1997
Bible, Cemetery And Church Records From Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, Volumes I - XVI
by The Standing Stone Chapter, NSDAR (Includes records for all the known cemeteries to be found within present-day Huntingdon County, along with certain cemeteries in Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Blair Counties.)
Blair County Cemeteries In North Woodbury And Woodbury Townships
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1989
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 1
by James D. Boor, 1993, Including Bedford Forge United Methodist, Mt. Union, Bakers, Long, Keagy, Bald Hill, Barkman, Eshelman, Hartley
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 2
by James D. Boor, 1994, Including Hopewell, Brethren (at Stonerstown), Replogle
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 3
by James D. Boor, 1994, Including Brumbaugh, Friends, St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Replogle, St. John’s Lutheran (Cessna), Old Job Ritchey, Holsinger Family
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 4
by James D. Boor, 1994, Including Koontz, Yellow Creek, St. Paul Reformed, Byers
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 5
by James D. Boor, 1994, Including Lyons, Replogle, Potter Creek, Hetrick Family, Burger Family, Pote Family, Rice Family, Bloomfield Furnace, Stiffler, Bayer Family, Bechtel Family, Stayer Family, Ober Family
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 6
by James D. Boor, 1996, Including Imler Family, Waterside, Schreiner/Reininger, Loysburg, Piper
Burial Grounds Of Bedford County, Pennsylvania 7
by James D. Boor, 1997, Including Dry Hill (Kifer)
Cambria County Cemeteries, Vol. I
by Des Warzel, 1995 (available from Closson Press)
Cambria County Cemeteries, Vol. II
by Des Warzel, 1995 (available from Closson Press)
Carson Valley Cemetery (Allegheny Township)
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1984
Cemeteries Of Bedford County, Vol. I
by Cindy Diehl, 1993, Including Rebecca Anderson, White Church, Stinson, Kearney, Evans, Grove, McIntyre, Duvall, Cypher, Edwards, Little Valley, Coalmont, Middletown
Cemeteries Of Bedford County, Vol. 2
by Cindy Diehl, 1994, Including St. Luke’s, Stonerstown, Fockler, Hinish, Ritchey, Rinard, Cessna, Black Valley, Breezewood
The Cemeteries Of Freedom Township, Blair County, Vol. I
by the Old~Greenfield Township Historical Society, 1991, published by Blair County Genealogical Society
Cemeteries Of The Claysburg Area, Vol. I
by Eugene Oberle, 1994, Including Lower Claar and Greenfield
Cemetery Listings - St. Luke’s, Byer, Bunker Hill Cemeteries, Bedford County
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Cemetery Records, Berkey Cemetery, Paint Twp., Somerset Co., Pa
by the Windber Johnstown Area Genealogical Society, 1989
Cemetery Records Of Cambria And Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, Vol. I
by Brian J. Ensley, 1999 (available from Closson Press)
Cemetery Records Of Cambria And Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, Vol. II
by Brian J. Ensley, 1999 (available from Closson Press)
Cemetery Records Of Fulton County, Pennsylvania
by The L.D.S. Church In Pennsylvania, 1961, Including Antioch, Layton Family, Ebenezer Methodist, Christian (Sideling Hill)
Cemetery Records - Somerset County - WPA, Volume 1
recompiled by Della Reagan Fischer, 1977, Including Addison, Allegheny, Black and Brothers Valley Townships, (unpublished, maintained by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County)
Cemetery Records - Somerset County - WPA, Volume 2
recompiled by Della Reagan Fischer, 1977, Including Conemaugh, Elk Lick, Fairhope, Greenville, Jefferson, Jenners, Larimer and Lincoln Townships, (unpublished, maintained by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County)
Cemetery Records - Somerset County - WPA, Volume 3
recompiled by Della Reagan Fischer, 1977, Including Lower Turkeyfoot, Middlecreek, Milford, Northampton, Ogle and Paint Townships, (unpublished, maintained by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County)
Cemetery Records - Somerset County - WPA, Volume 4
recompiled by Della Reagan Fischer, 1977, Including Quemahoning, Shade and Somerset Townships, (unpublished, maintained by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County)
Cemetery Records - Somerset County - WPA, Volume 5
recompiled by Della Reagan Fischer, 1977, Including Southampton, Stoneycreek, Summit, Upper Turkeyfoot Townships and Veterans records, (unpublished, maintained by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County)
Cemetery Records, Vol 2, Somerset-Cambria County, Pennsylvania
by Windber - Johnstown Area Genealogical Society, 1987, Including Kaufman, Stahl, Thomas Mennonite, Blough Mennonite, Davidsville, Mt Carmel, Rose Hill, St Thomas, Rodgers, Miller Family, Weaver Farm, Grush Family, Simon Berkey Family, Weaver, Yoder
Dry Ridge Kerr & Coughenour Cemeteries,
by John Getz, (unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Fairview Cemetery, Altoona
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1986
Fulton County Cemeteries
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Greenlawn, Holliday, Jackson, Union, Old & New St. Mary’s Cemeteries
by Blair County Genealogical Society
Helen Greenburg’s Cemeteries
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Helixville U. M. Cemetery (Napier Twp, Bedford County)
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Hollidaysburg Presbyterian Cemetery
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1982
Hopewell Cemetery List
by Frank Bayer & James Boor, 1986
Hyndman Cemetery
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Lloyd Cemetery, Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Pa. Volume I
by Davis, 1994
Lloyd Cemetery, Ebensburg, Cambria Co., Pa. Volume II
by Davis, 1994
Lutheran Cemetery, Newry, PA
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1984
Mt. Olivet Cemetery
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Pine Grove Church Cemetery
(Mann Township, Bedford County) by Dolores Carrigan & Shirley Elbin, (unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Record Of Chaneysville Cemetery
by Dolores Carrigan & Mary Swartzwelder, (unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County), 1994
Reports On Bethel, Fletcher, Pleasant Union, Robinsonville, Shreeves, And Stevens Chapel Cemeteries
by Megan Huston and Mindy Henderson, 1999
Rosehill Cemetery, Altoona, Vol. 1, A-L
by Leora Raebuck, published by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1997
Rosehill Cemetery, Altoona, Vol. 2, M-Z
by Leora Raebuck, published by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1997
St. John’s Cemetery, Altoona
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1982
St. John The Baptist Catholic Church Cemetery, New Baltimore, PA
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Newry, PA
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1984
Sandyvale Cemetery, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 1850-1906
by Phyllis M. Oyler, 1986 (available from Closson Press)
Six Cemeteries In Londonderry Township
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)
Some Cemeteries In Hollidaysburg Borough
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1982
Tyrone Township Cemeteries Tombstone Inscriptions
by Blair County Genealogical Society, 1991
Union Cemetery Centerville, Pa (Cumberland Valley Township)
(unpublished, maintained by The Pioneer Historical Society Of Bedford County)