The Written And Printed Word


Joachim Langens, 1772
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     The complete title of this volume is: Joachim Langens Verbesserte und Erleichterte Lateinische GRAMMATICA mit einem Paradigmatischen und Dialogischen Tirocinio. Sieben und dreykigste Edition, Mit stehend bleibenden Schriften aber um mehrerer Richtigkeit willen Die achtzehende. Cum privilegiis. Sacr. Caef. Maiestatis, Regum Poloniae ae Borussiae nec non Llectorium Saxoniae et Brandenburg. Roughly translated this means: Joachim Langen's improved and simplified Latin Grammatica with paradigmatic and dialogic training..
     Johann Joachim Lange was born at Gardelegen in 1670. He died at Halle, in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, where this book was published, in 1744. He made a living as a Pietist theologian and philosopher.
     The first edition of this work appeared in 1717. This "soft-cover" volume was printed at Halle, In Verlgung des Waisenhauses. Translated that means temporarily in the orphanage.