Bedford County
       In The Revolutionary War  ~   An Exhibit

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Lloyd Roach's WBFD Bedford County Speaks interview with Larry Smith on 30 April 2016.


   An exhibit of authentic American Revolutionary War artifacts and informative panels is currently being shown at the Bedford County Historical Society. The exhibit will be open to the public from 16 May 2016 through the end of the year.

   An admittance fee to view the exhibit is not charged, but a donation is requested.

   The exhibit can be viewed during the regular BCHS hours - Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm and the third Saturday of each month 9:00am to 2:00pm. Note: Winter hours are the same with the exception that the BCHS is closed on Mondays and all Saturdays.


   To take a virtual tour of the exhibit's informative panels, click on the images below to access individual pages. You can use your browser's 'Back' button to return to this Section Index page, or use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page.

   Although you are more than welcome to take the virtual tour of the panels, I would encourage you to try to visit the Bedford County Historical Society to view the exhibit in person. The artifacts illustrated in the informative panels are all on exhibit, in addition to items not included on the panels.