      Of Our Colonial Ancestors

Occupations Beginning With The Letter   ~   I

Iailer A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iailere A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iailour A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaioler A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaoler A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaolere A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaylar A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaylarde A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iayler A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaylere A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iaylour A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Iceman One engaged in the ice trade, or in harvesting ice for storage and sale. Also, one who delivers ice for domestic use.
Icemaster A pilot or sailing-master who has special experience in navigating vessels among ice-floes.
Icer One who ices; spec. a worker who prepares icing and applies it to the surface of cakes, pastry, etc.
Ichthyographer A writer on fishes.
Ichthyologist One versed in ichthyology; a student of the natural history of fishes.
Iconomicar A writer on husbandry.
Idleman One who has no occupation; formerly, in Ireland, a 'gentleman', as opposed to a working-man.
Iernmonger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Iewellere A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Imager A maker of images; a sculptor, carver, etc. Also, applied to a painter.
Indigo-peddler According to Everett B. Wilson in his book Early America At Work, published in 1963, this was one who sold the dyestuff derived from indigo, needed to dye wool.
Ingeneer A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingener A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingenier A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingienere A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingenor A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Inginare A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingineer A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingineere A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Inginer A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Inginier A variation in the spelling of the name: engineer.
Ingrosser Is one that buys and sells any thing by wholesale. [According to A New Law Dictionary, by Giles Jacob, 1744]
Innholder Another name for: innkeeper.
Innkeeper One who keeps an inn or public house for the accomodation of travellers and others; an innholder, a taverner.
Innkeeperess A female innkeeper.
Insectator A prosecutor or adversary at law. [According to A New Law Dictionary, by Giles Jacob, 1744]
Intelligencer A bringer of news; a messenger; an informant; a newsmonger.
Intendant One who has the charge, direction, or superintendence of a department of public business, the affairs of a town or province, the household of a prince or nobleman, etc.; a superintendant, a manager.
Ioigner A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ioiner A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ionour A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ionyowre A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Iouelere A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Ioweler A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Ioweller A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Ioyler A variation in the spelling of the name: jailor.
Ioynar A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ioyner A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ioynor A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Ioynour A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Iremonger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Iremunger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Irenmonger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Iremongyr A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Irmongere A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Irenmonger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Iron-founder One who founds or casts iron.
Ironist One who uses iron weapons.
Ironmaster The master of an iron foundry or ironworks; a manufacturer of iron, esp. on a large scale.
Ironmonger A dealer in ironware; a hardware merchant.
Ironmounger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Ironsmith An artificer in iron; a blacksmith.
Iron-worker One who works in iron; one engaged at ironworks.
Ismonger A variation in the spelling of the name: ironmonger.
Itinerant One who itinerates or travels from place to place, esp. in the pursuit of a trade or calling: a travelling preacher, strolling player, etc.
Iueler A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iuelere A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iuellar A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iueller A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iuellere A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iuelour A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler
Iunour A variation in the spelling of the name: joiner.
Iuweler A variation in the spelling of the name: jeweler