The Written And Printed Word

{unidentified} Bible

{Width: 6-1/4"; Height: 8-1/8"; Thickness: 3-7/8"}

     This German Bible is missing both the title page for the Old Testament and the title page for the New Testament, making it difficult to identify. This Bible is pretty much like other Bibles of the time period in regard to the text and typeface. But, as the images toward the bottom of this page reveal, it is more profusely illustrated than the ordinary Bible of the time. Notice in the full page illustrations and in the two-page spreads that individual images within the picture are noted with the chapter number to which they refer.











     The image directly below shows an error in the page numbers. Page 719 is followed by page 270 (rather than 720), which is then followed by page 721. The next image shows a greater error in the pagination. The first eight pages of the New Testament are missing; the text goes from page 184 of the book of Maccabees to page 9 of the book of Matthew.