The Written And Printed Word


Georgium Weinrich (der heiligen), 1609
{Width: 6-1/4"; Height: 7-7/8"; Thickness: 3-3/8"}

     The entire title of this work is: MARTYROLOGII SANCTORUM EX XI. CAP. AD HEBR PARS PRIOR, HISTORISCHER BESCHICHT der rittermissigen Hlaubenstempf= fer im alten Testament/ wie dieselbigen der Apostel aus dem ersten und andern Buch Mose im II. Cap. der Epistel au die Hebreer ansuhret und turklich zusammen fasset. Erster Theil Begreissende in sich 24. Predigten/ so zu Leipzig teen Christlichen Leichenbengengnissen gethan/ und auss bitt gutherziger Leute Christlichen Glaubens=tempesefn zum Exempet der nachsolge in Dructversertiget Durch Georgium Weinrich der heiligen Schrisst Doctorn und Professorn/ Superattendenten zu Leipzig.
     As can be seen in the images below, the cover is richly embossed. Notice the date of 1617 stamped in the leather at the very bottom of the cover. In view of the fact that the book has a printing date of 1609, it is possible that the 1617 date refers to the date that the book might have been "re"-bound if it had been. Also notice what looks like writing in the space not occupied by leather. What this is is a manuscript page from some earlier work. When a bookbinder created a book, pieces of earlier manuscripts which were no longer desired, would be pasted onto the wooden cover boards so that when the leather was attached, the manuscript material would serve two purposes. The piece of material between the leather and the wood added a slight padding effect, but moreso, it provided a barrier between the wood board and the leather, which, in the process of being tanned, might contain some residue that would react unfavorably with the natural acids in the wood. It is also interesting to note the small triangular section at the top, center of the book's cover where the manuscript has deteriorated away, leaving a 'ghost' image of the letters.


     Below are images from various pages of the book.

     This book contains two volumes bound together. The image below shows the frontispiece for the second volume. Notice that the date printed on the facing page is 1610, rather than 1609.