The Holidays Celebrated In Colonial America

Low Sunday

{ The first Sunday after Easter }

  Low Sunday, took its name from the meaning of the word low which embodied the attributes of humble, unassuming and polite.

  Being the first Sunday after Easter, Low Sunday brought the Easter season to a conclusion.

  A book of sermons, published in 1652 titled, "The Christian Sodality" noted that This day is called White or Low Sunday, because, in the primitive Church, whose neophytes that on Easter-Eve were baptised and clad in white garments did to-day put them off, with this admonition, that they were to keep within them a perpetual candour of spirit, signified by the Agnus Dei hung about their necks, which, falling down upon their breasts, put them in mind what innocent lambs they must be, now that, of sinful, high, and haughty men, they were, by baptism, made low and little children of Almighty God, such as ought to retain in their manners and lives the Paschal feasts which they had accomplished.