1773 Colerain Township

Tax Assessment ~ Part 1

   This page includes a transcription from the published Pennsylvania Archives (1897 Edition, Third Series, Volume XXII, Pages 15-18) of the 1773 tax assessment return for Colerain Township, within Bedford County. The original return for Colerain Township no longer is in existence in the archives maintained in Bedford County. The transcription is for the Residents.
Note: Trancripts of certain tax assessment returns (including Colerain Township) were included in the 1884 publication of History Of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania, by Waterman, Watkins & Co. In that volume (on pages 68 and 69) a transcript consisting of names similar to this transcript is assigned the date of 1772. In the following listing, variations of the names, as transcribed in the History Of Bedford... are presented within parentheses { }.

Amerin, Henry {Henry Ammerman}
Bradshaw, Robert
Benat, Joseph {Joseph Bennett}
Brown, Henry
Buchannan, William {William Buchanan}
Coons, Laurance {Lawrence Coons}
Cheek, John
Collins, Daniel
Croyl, John {John Croyle}
Culbertson, Robert
Croyl, Thomas {Thomas Croyle}
Cessna, John
Cuningham, John {John Cunningham}
Dougherty, Barnard, Esqueir
Devebaugh, Casper {Caspas Defebaugh}
Duffield, William
Freehart, John
Friend, John, Jun'r
Friend, Joseph
Ferguson, Hugh
Fredregal, William {William Fredrigal}
Fry, John
Henesh, Henry {Henry Hinish}
Inglan, John {John England}
Johnston, Thomas
Johnston, John
Levar, William {William Levan}
Little, John
Murphy, Henderson
Moore, Robert
Mile', Abraham {Abraham Miley}
Miller, Christopher
McCoombs, William {William McCombs}
Moore, John
Mortimore, John
Martin, James
Morrison, Joseph
Moore, Samuel
Miller, Oliver
McFerron, Robert
Newell, James
Ormsby, John
Petterson, James {James Patterson}
Piper, James
Piper, John
Parker, William
Perron, John
Rose, William
Rose, Edward
Richey, Gideon {Ritchey, Gideon}
Romack, George
Sparks, George
Spurgan, Ezekiel {Ezekiel Spurgeon}
{James Spurgeon Jr}
{John Spurgeon}
Spurgan, Samuel {Samuel Spurgeon}
Spurgan, William {William Spurgeon}
Starcher, Jacob
Smith, William
Urey, Thomas {Thomas Urie}
Woods, Thomas
Worly, Achor {Archer Wooley}
Woods, George, Esquier
Worley, Joseph
Worley, Anthony
Young, Adam
{Joseph Johnston}
{Benjamin Jolley}
{Daniel M. Donnelly}
{John Morton Jr}
{John Hulse}
{James Spurgeon}
{Henry Armstrong}